Saturday 10 May 2014


Writer director Jon Favreau (Iron Man, Elf) has made a really fun movie about following your dreams. It is extremely uplifting and you'll finish watching it feeling good about your life. You'll also be extremely hungry. Painfully hungry, in fact. It also tackles soft issues like responsible uses of social media, family and, most importantly, how to seduce people with food.

The driving force in the story is that head chef Carl Casper (Favreau) has been introduced to Twitter by his 10-year-old son, Percy. After an unfavourable review by food blogger Ramsey Michel (Oliver Platt), Casper engages in an online feud which culminates in an unflattering confrontation that goes viral and ruins Casper's career.

Supported by his family, Casper goes to Miami with his ex-wife Inez (Sofia Vergara) to help take care of Percy. There, Inez puts Casper in touch with Marvin (Robert Downey Jr.), her other ex-husband. Marvin gives Casper an old taco truck that he can use as a food truck. Casper calls Martin (John Leguizamo), his old friend, to come help him. Once they fix it up, Casper, Percy and Martin drive back to Los Angeles, selling food along the way.

And that brings me to the food. There is so much food in this movie that it gets it's own montages (that's right, food montages). And there isn't just one style of food in this movie, there's lots. There's fine dining at restaurant food, food truck food, food cooked at home, food as a substitute for foreplay, all the food. And it's shot in such a way that it dominates the screen.

Verdict: A tortuous movie if you're hungry and an uplifting film if you're down. People with the munchies beware.

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